Blog | Key Lime Interactive

Airline: Competitive Review of Mobile Properties

Written by Key Lime Interactive | Jun 14, 2011 3:06:22 PM

Which U.S. airline offers the most comprehensive mobile application? How do they compare to their competition? Which provider shows the best understanding of how to deliver a useful and easy mobile experience?

Key Lime Interactive (KLI) conducted a competitive review of the four (4) existing mobile apps of the largest U.S. airlines in the industry:
· Continental Airlines
· Delta Airlines
· Southwest Airlines
· and American Airlines

Each mobile App (iPhone and Android versions) was compared against a list of standard airline passenger tasks to assess their capabilities and features. Each capability and feature scored was gathered by reviewing each current mobile app and each of their respective websites (desktop) to determine what the most appropriate list of capabilities would be based on what users would expect to complete within a mobile app.

After evaluating each mobile app's capabilities, we compared and ranked each feature to determine which airline was providing the best experience to its customers. User feedback was incorporated to understand the importance and preference of each feature, while current user ratings, from the Android Market and iStore, were included to weigh the real world perceptions of each mobile app. All of these elements were combined to determine an overall score and ranking.

Join us at 2pm EST on Tuesday, July 28th to hear the detailed report about how each company ranks and who produces the best mobile app experience to date.