What We Talk About When We Talk About International UX Research

International UX Research


About a month ago, our VP of User Research, Eugenio Santiago spoke about the topic of International UX Research at a UXPA NYC event – What We Talk About When We Talk About International Research.

 During the discussion, he shared best practices and tips on how to conduct successful global research. Eugenio and his co-speaker shared research experiences spanning each continent except Antarctica – so far!!

 Watch the video:


The 50-min session focused on a variety of methodologies and insights these two veteran researchers gained from the dozens of international research projects they’ve worked on. They shared how an emphasis on planning, building partnerships and being culturally (aware) sensitive can ensure things run smoothly – or as smooth as one can expect when taking on the challenge of international user research.

A synopsis of the topics they covered during the session include:

  • Building a case for conducting international research
  • In-person vs. remote testing
  • The power of partnerships
  • Devoting time to learn about the culture before you travel
  • Planning Visualizing Testing Repeat
  • What to pack, what not to pack
  • Embracing the unexpected
  • What to be mindful of when in someone’s home or in a foreign research lab
  • What to do before you leave
  • How to excel at storytelling

Review the presentation here.


Take a look at some photos from that night, or if you have time watch the video to see if there is something that will make conducting international research easier for you!


READ MORE Our Researchers Can Join Your Team, Best Practices for Conducting User Testing in Asia, 5 Key Elements for Successfully Managing an International Customer Research Project, How Do We Get the Most Out of UX Research in New Markets

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