The South Florida Business Journal celebrated their 2014 award breakfast naming the top 40 Under 40 in business leadership in Miami Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties, which included Key Lime Interactive’s Founder and CEO Ania Rodriguez in this year’s esteemed group. Rodriguez has rightfully claimed her spot as an honoree and her thriving Doral based company has proven why she is an asset to the user experience industry and gained recognition as a young entrepreneur.
July 9, 2014 – There are individuals who let life happen to them, and there are others who drive the direction, pace and outcome of their days. Ania Rodriguez is the latter. A decade ago Ania was neatly inserted into large corporations, managing projects and conducting research in proper form and fashion. All the while she was taking careful note of what was working and what was failing around her; both professionally and socially. When the opportunity presented itself, 5 years ago, Ania, without hesitation, immediately sprang into action. With an entrepreneurial spirit, armed with wisdom and experience, Ania founded Key Lime Interactive and within 5 days was hard at work on her first client engagement. Her first client was a Fortune 500 company, and in her heart she knew she could only go up from there.
Flash forward to present day. Ania is surrounded by products that she and her team have played a role in improving. From auto insurance mobile applications to fetal heart monitors, from the processor in your laptop, to the signage at your local pharmacy to the tablet checkout process at your favorite clothing retailer, Key Lime Interactive is touching the lives of users far and wide. “It’s satisfying to play a role in the development of products across so many different industries! Go KLI team!” exclaims Ania in a recent interview with a journalist seeking her feedback about the “future of the mobile wallet”.The South Florida Business Journal had a tough decision to make during their selection process, with nearly 1,400 applications submitted and only 40 available slots for recipients of this admirable and respected award.
In the last year alone, Key Lime Interactive has accomplished several commendable achievements:
- Opened Brooklyn, N.Y. and San Francisco offices
- Established a new syndicated report servicing the Cruise Industry
- Expanded their client list by 20%
- Expanded their employees by 100%
- Joined the UX Fellows Global UX Consortium
- Selected to deliver a keynote presentation on Key Lime Interactive’s eye tracking study at the 16th annual Human Computer Interaction conference in Crete, Greece.
“Women Owned and Operated” should be adjusted to “Mother of Young Children Owned and Operated”. A glimpse into the day-to-day of Ania Rodriguez, CEO, should inspire (or scare!?) women to pursue their professional careers and maintain family balance. With two young children (under 5) at home, a traveling husband and a booming international company, Ania has no choice but to find balance. A single day can feel like a marathon with looming client deadlines, cupcakes needed at preschool, new hires, webinar presentations to a global audience, catching early flights or redeyes to share her smile with prospective clients, negotiating which shoes are weather appropriate with a toddler and so much more. Ania carries this balanced approach to care and nurture Key Lime Interactive’s employee development programs. Continued dedication to focusing on the strengths of her hand selected team, Ania perpetuates the long-term growth of Key Lime Interactive and its greater team by focusing on personal and professional development from the inside out.
The South Florida Business Journal will be hosting a luncheon on August 1st to honor these young achievers for all their notable success. Learn more about the thirty-nine other 40 Under 40 honorees here.
About Key Lime InteractiveKLI is a customer experience research agency with proven excellence in both quantitative and qualitative user and consumer testing. To serve our growing client list of Fortune 100 companies, we conduct competitive research, true intent / voice of customer studies, and prototype studies using quantitative methods.
Additionally, we're experienced in moderating one-on-one interviews/ usability studies, focus groups, and eye-tracking studies for both the traditional and mobile web. Ultimately, our goal is to empower teams to use consumer/user experience data at any and all phases of product development; from strategy to implementation. We aim to provide the true perspective of target users and build exceptional consumer-driven solutions.
For inquiries please contact:
Kelly Nercess
Key Lime Interactive
Contact Us
Office: 305-809-0555 ext.19
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